Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Political Economics

Are you finding it harder and harder to understand what is going on? If you're like me, you have to study the new economics, I call Political Economics. Why do I call it such? Because the government wants to control the flow of money and in their world 2+2 does not have to equal 4. They can let it equal anything they want, while you and I live in the real world. 
This however effects our ability to plan and invest. The decision of action has to now consider the action of government and that can change at any moment. We have no consistent law in their make believe world. In the real world like gravity it works and nothing will change the basic law, you can over come or use that law but it is not changing. Government changes rules and regulations that effect the law of taxes, investments and deductions at their desire. Talking about uncertain....

So what do you and I do? 

This boils down to ideology and values. 

If you think government is in the business of taking your hard earned money and give it to someone who did not work for it, then you should vote for Obama. Let me make this comment on government taking our money and giving it to someone else. If it was not the government taking the money but the person receiving the money, that would be a crime. If it was not so sad it would be silly to think such a thing can happen. This comes because elected people are buying votes and using our money to say in power. This is the end of the liberty our founding fathers warned us about. 
You see it takes moral values and the ideology of limited government to keep people free. Our Constitution is our servant to master over government and limit their ability to rule over we the people. 

We are very close to losing our liberty and freedom. We have been sleeping and need to wake up and be informed and jealous about our rights. 

For freedom and liberty we need values of limited government and citizens to govern government not the other way around. 

Vote in this election and pray for God to forgive our sleep and let us not lose our jealousy for our rights.