Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 The Year of Positive Self-Esteem

I have never been to a real AA meeting, but I see that they have people stand up and say what they are. I guess that is the first step to awareness of oneself and we grow from there. If that were so, then I would have to say I am a low self-esteem person.

Now that that is out there, I have been doing a ton of study on raising my self-esteem and I can feel the difference.

I used to be concern of what others thought of what I was doing. I would allow rejection to affect my moving forward. I saw everyone saying no to my trying to grow my business and would get down.
So I looked inside of me and with help of professional programs, I have made great advancements on my self worth / value and the right to have success in my life, to be happy and have a healthy positive emotions.

I have learned to distance the emotion of rejections and to be in the moment of joy, happiness, peace and a vision of my future. To celebrate the emotion of good and happiness. I have found that happiness is always “now” not in the future or if something happens or with someone. We have to always remember to choose to be happy, everyday, all day, the emotion of happy is a choice.
I have found to focus on the good and have developed three areas of great important for connecting the dots of the HOW to and not the general view of a positive attitude.

A positive attitude is good but without Action steps that are in line with your goals; the attitude is just a wish. The attitude is good, but without the how, it is not very useful.
The three areas for my success is to have a burning desire to be where I want to be, to believe I am worthy of this success with all my limits and short comings, and to have a healthy expectancy that it will work.
My positive affirmations are directed to this end. My self-talk is in line with my action steps and my action steps are in line with my goals.

An action step not leading you to a goal is miss direction and will lead us away, not towards are goal.
There is so much more to share, but for now, think on our self talk to build our desire, your belief you can do it and the expectancy that when you do, you are wanted and accepted. The stronger you have of these 3 things the faster to your dreams and goals.
Just like a 3-legged stool, all three are needed to support your success, Desire, Belief, Expectancy, builds these and they will build your business.

2013 is a year where we focus on our goals and not the reactions of others that do not qualify to make a difference in our lives.

Celebrate new business partners, clients, and friends.

Have relationships with all but limit your partnership to a standard. It’s like climbing a mountain. You have many who want to climb but you would only want the ones who really will climb on your team. Select your climbing team and look to your mountain head on, knowing that together this mountain will be climbed.

Pay the price of digging for the gold in your business and dis guard the many tons of useless dirt. The hard work will pay off.

2013 is our year for business and my team is coming together, getting ready, how about you and yours!!!!

Your friend Bob