Monday, February 7, 2011

NO Bailout for Main Street

It can seem confusing and complicated to view how the
Central Bank and Congress interact. Who is responsible for what and how it all
Let me give you a 30,000 ft. view to help.
The question is why is Main Street not getting loans from
bank and why the Fed is not going to bailout local governments.
Let me just say the system is broken.
You see the Central Bank, created by bankers for bankers
called the Federal Reserve, which is a private company is at the root of the
When the banks created this credit mess in 2008 and got into
credit trouble along with non-banks, the Fed picked and decided who they would
help with massive amount of “credit”. Reports show up to 3.3 trillion dollars
with just the click of a keyboard, no need for the printing press here. So
winners and losers were picked by the Fed. It’s important to know that some
helped were not banks.
Now today. Local governments are in real trouble and up to
50 or more local governments could go under. So why is the Fed now saying they
don’t have the ability to help?
The Fed Chairman Mr. Ben Bernanke said his hands are tied!
Really. Looking at how it helped non-banks in the past and picking winners and losers
why now, not helping the local governments? He quotes Section 13.
The Dodd Frank bill and all, I have the notes but too
detailed to put it all here.
The long and the short of it, Congress could pass another
law like the Dodd Frank bill and tell the Fed to help, or Congress could issue
credit loans. But let’s be clear, just as Senator Dick Durbin said in a radio
program in April 2009, Congress is owned by the banks. Changes in the law are
more likely to go the other way.
So what is the out?
It’s not for local government to cut needed services like
police and teacher to pressure the public to pay more taxes.
What we are seeing is a monopoly of funds and control of
those funds. The Fed is saying it doesn’t want the local muni market. Congress
could change that. The total bailout for all the government would be about 150
billion, the Fed said it could cause hyperinflation. Really, 3.3 trillion in
bailout so far and 150 will be the tipping point? Come on, we are not that
Now we see that if you are a banker and in the private club
of the Fed, they could help you, all others need not apply.
The solution! State and local governments should work with
the people and form a State bank like BND, Bank of North Dakota. Each state can
create its own “mini fed” to create credit and with the tax deposits and the
banking system, we don’t need the Central Bank for money. The power is in each
state to follow the lead of the only bank in America that is NOT under the
Federal Reserve.
We can create our own credit and lean money to ourselves and
match dollars with material and labor to create jobs and the interest goes to
fund the cost of government and lower taxes on the people.
Google the Bank of North Dakota and call your representative
and have our state help ourselves.
I am available to speak to your group on this topic and
reasons why the Fed is not helping Main Street, remember we are not part of the
private club of the Fed.
Greed has no motherland.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Island by Ourselves

World views or even our daily lives are formed by our past,
what we lived and what we have been taught. We adjust our view and we reach a
point of having our options. One generation looks at the other generation and
sees changes, if they differ in their views of values, each holds onto theirs
and find reasons why the other is wrong. Finding reasons might have been to
justify ones need to prove they are right even when maybe they were not. For
either generation stand.
It is the “right” part that I want to look at. So what is
right? How do we come to the narrow answer of right? Is there such a thing?
We find all around us changes. One day we are told by the
experts that eggs are bad for you, and then year’s later eggs are good for you.
Examples of such flip flop are everywhere. Our schools give test yet a failing
grade is not a failing grade if we use the curve system.
We look at our world view and hear the words democracy and
based on our view of how we grew up we vision a way of governing. But wait. Now
we see our view is based not on what is right or wrong but how we use words and
change their definition.
We see Bill Clinton answer the question, “it depends on what
is, is”.
I say all this because the question has to be asked, how
does stability change? When did or how did the faith in the dollar change for
After all, the dollar is the world currency! Stability in America
in a large part is because America enjoys the strength of the dollar, everyone
wants and uses the dollar as the currency of trade. Even in other Country, they
use our dollar not their own to buy oil or trade with other Countries.
Stability, Right and Wrong, Democracy, free market. It seems
we are changing in front of our eyes.
Where we go from here in a large part is in what you
Your action to do something or nothing is based on what? Do
you still believe our government is looking after your family’s best interest?
Plying on more debt like it doesn’t matter, spending on programs that cannot be
I saw a Muslim spokesperson on TV last night saying Sharia
law is better for America. He pointed out our GDP and our debt as a spoiled
country and our crime punishment is not working and on and on. Now his views
had merit of facts, however his views to fix it are Sharia law for America.
So where do we go from here? We now have outside forces
saying America is weak, spending too much and a firm hand needs to step in and
we need to be under Sharia law.
After all, we the people have allowed our elected to go
unchecked and spend our future for today. We have allowed them to forgo the
Constitution of limited government.  We
have cities of jails and average citizens are not protected in our streets nor
are our Country’s boarders protected.
It seems to me, values have changed and many don’t trust the
direction of our Country leadership and leadership is the stability and the
words of trust or distrust from our leader do affect our values of right and
The dollar is falling from greed of the Central Bank, our
Constitution is falling from political greed and our future is falling from spending
or buying political votes for power. No wonder the final rule of what is right
and what is wrong ends up in the Supreme Court. Given enough time and a
President that does not have the same values can replace our Supreme Court and by
our view and values deem Freedom as not Free and remove the Constitution for
Sharia law.
I have said before, if you will not control yourself someone
else will. It looks like some people think we cannot control our spending and “social
justice” and they will be happy to do it with a firm hand.
We the people have tried but……
All and all a perfect storm and many don’t care.
The dollar is falling and Gold and Silver is rising. This is
the response to the right and wrong of our Leadership. So sad.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Central Banks Never CARE

It amazes me learning about the Central Bank, called the
Fed. As if it is part of our government, but it is not. It is a private
In the small business meeting to find a way to get small
business going, I would laugh my, you know what off, if it wasn’t so serious. In
an interview with the Fed Chair, with not so hard questions, and that is part
of our problem, the reporters must not be educated or for some reason unable to
ask the important questions. It’s like a cop that has a murder suspect and the
cop never ask the hard questions, like, did you kill him, or where were you on …..
What we did learn was that the Fed is proud of pumping up
the stock market to new highs. This is what I have been saying all along. Main
Street will not see a red cent from the spending of the Central Bank, because
the interest is in helping their pals on Wall Street, and once the money that
is created out of thin air is no longer being printed, the game is over.
We the people will end up with more debt, more unemployment,
and inflation directly caused by this self-directed view that they think they
know what the fat they are doing. When in fact, with interest rates not
controlled by the market but by the Fed and the boom bust cycle of these mal investments
that will disappear when the money runs out and all the gain is lost. We will
be in a worse condition then before we started.
So you say, okay mister smart paints, what would you do. My
answer is simple. Let the market decide. We have a few guys social engineering
the failure of our economy and Main Street is suffering.
Free market is the victim while just like the past, the
powerful bankers sit up there and rule the universe all the while padding their
pockets and making the noise that they are helping the little guy.
Yes one could say we have class warfare in this country, but
it’s not race, even though there is race issues, it’s not unemployment with
those unemployed, it’s not a lot of the issues that the press fall for and
reports. Remember my saying, don’t look at the problem, but look at what set up
the conditions for the problem.
In a very short answer, it is us against the Central Bank,
plain and simple. Greed has no motherland and the Fed is starving Main Street
and acting like they care, when in fact they never ever did or do care.
The politician are a day late and so far behind the power
curve that they will crash our Country and show up years later at the crash
site asking what happened. They are of no help, they are too stupid.
I could go into the QE I and II, it reminds me of a bad move
squeal with part 1 thru 15 and on and on when will they learn it is not working,
but they keep doing it.
The facts of indicators show if you review GDP growth,
retail sales, industrial production or durable goods orders all show the Fed
has failed.
The Fed interest is in pumping up his friends’ playground
called the stock market. If I were you I would run from the market, get out!!!!
NOW... and of course invest in something solid GOLD.
You watch and see…