Thursday, February 3, 2011

Island by Ourselves

World views or even our daily lives are formed by our past,
what we lived and what we have been taught. We adjust our view and we reach a
point of having our options. One generation looks at the other generation and
sees changes, if they differ in their views of values, each holds onto theirs
and find reasons why the other is wrong. Finding reasons might have been to
justify ones need to prove they are right even when maybe they were not. For
either generation stand.
It is the “right” part that I want to look at. So what is
right? How do we come to the narrow answer of right? Is there such a thing?
We find all around us changes. One day we are told by the
experts that eggs are bad for you, and then year’s later eggs are good for you.
Examples of such flip flop are everywhere. Our schools give test yet a failing
grade is not a failing grade if we use the curve system.
We look at our world view and hear the words democracy and
based on our view of how we grew up we vision a way of governing. But wait. Now
we see our view is based not on what is right or wrong but how we use words and
change their definition.
We see Bill Clinton answer the question, “it depends on what
is, is”.
I say all this because the question has to be asked, how
does stability change? When did or how did the faith in the dollar change for
After all, the dollar is the world currency! Stability in America
in a large part is because America enjoys the strength of the dollar, everyone
wants and uses the dollar as the currency of trade. Even in other Country, they
use our dollar not their own to buy oil or trade with other Countries.
Stability, Right and Wrong, Democracy, free market. It seems
we are changing in front of our eyes.
Where we go from here in a large part is in what you
Your action to do something or nothing is based on what? Do
you still believe our government is looking after your family’s best interest?
Plying on more debt like it doesn’t matter, spending on programs that cannot be
I saw a Muslim spokesperson on TV last night saying Sharia
law is better for America. He pointed out our GDP and our debt as a spoiled
country and our crime punishment is not working and on and on. Now his views
had merit of facts, however his views to fix it are Sharia law for America.
So where do we go from here? We now have outside forces
saying America is weak, spending too much and a firm hand needs to step in and
we need to be under Sharia law.
After all, we the people have allowed our elected to go
unchecked and spend our future for today. We have allowed them to forgo the
Constitution of limited government.  We
have cities of jails and average citizens are not protected in our streets nor
are our Country’s boarders protected.
It seems to me, values have changed and many don’t trust the
direction of our Country leadership and leadership is the stability and the
words of trust or distrust from our leader do affect our values of right and
The dollar is falling from greed of the Central Bank, our
Constitution is falling from political greed and our future is falling from spending
or buying political votes for power. No wonder the final rule of what is right
and what is wrong ends up in the Supreme Court. Given enough time and a
President that does not have the same values can replace our Supreme Court and by
our view and values deem Freedom as not Free and remove the Constitution for
Sharia law.
I have said before, if you will not control yourself someone
else will. It looks like some people think we cannot control our spending and “social
justice” and they will be happy to do it with a firm hand.
We the people have tried but……
All and all a perfect storm and many don’t care.
The dollar is falling and Gold and Silver is rising. This is
the response to the right and wrong of our Leadership. So sad.

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