Friday, January 28, 2011

It's natural for Corrections

In a free market, supply and demand is the driving force that provides the
value. If there is too much of something the value is less and if there is less
the value is worth more.

How we look at things can help us see what could and should happen. The driving forces of a free market in it's more pure form is simple, however today the free market is less than free, it has factors that really limit the function of operation with too many rules and regulations. (Yes, some
rules and regulations are needed, but not many)

Free market is competition. 

Let's look at most any area where free market is free to operate and we can
see everyone is the better for it. The average man and woman live better today
cause of the private free market. The value of anything and the quality of that
thing is far better when free market is in play. For the few dollars competing for that item, many will try to work, serve and create a better product for those few dollars. This allows the buyer more
options and better quality.

When we remove the gain of the work, by too many rules and regulations, the people suffer .

At first glance it seem good to strap such rules on a market place, and some
are needed, but few. The market place will do the self-correction by not buying
a bad product or practice. We don't need to hurt the whole market place due to what

In the end the very so called rules to protect is the very cause that puts
those jobs and cost out of the reach of the very people it was designed to
help. This is the cause and effect of undue burdens on the free market.

Have you considered how the free market produces your favorite sandwich?
Pick yours and think of where and who raised the meat, the farmer who raised
the vegies, the factory that made the bread and everything you place on your favorite
sandwich. Look at the people at the supply store that provided the feed to the
farmer, the trucks and drivers that was used, the refrigeration’s systems that
were built and the timing of all this in an affordable way to have everything
come together when you request your desired sandwich and at a very affordable

Yes the free market is self-correcting and to remove the supply or effect
the demand will lower the standard of living to the average family, this is why
less government and more free market will cause value and more demand which
will demand more employed and raises the standard of living for all.

This is the history of America, what is new is Big Government and that is
and should not be the future of America.

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