Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Question and more Questions

There are what appear to be an abundant of commercials on TV and the radio trying to sell you something, and the “buy gold” commercials are abundant as well.
So what is up with all the pushing of selling Gold? Why buy Gold? If I want to buy Gold where do I buy it and can I trust the guy on the phone?  Great questions and I am going to try and give you some insight on this precious metal and why you should acquire the stuff called Gold.
Right now, less than one percent of American’s are acquiring any form of precious metals.  With all
the advertising one would think everyone is into buying gold or some type of precious metal. Far from it based on the numbers. But why are so few investing in what has proven to be the most solid form of currency in all of history?
It appears there are more questions and I guess we will approach each one as they come up.
In future blogs, I will talk about the ban on owning Gold back in the 1930’s and why that happened. Can that happen again? If not why?
I will also cover why the dollar is under attack and if it is, how do you preserve your wealth and with what? Gold? Silver? Food? 
What do we move to if the dollar does fall, will the IMF be able to fund and start the SDR’s (Special Drawing Right) the new global currency? Will inflation and high unemployment meet at the same time the dollar “might” collapse?
We have so many possible questions and each will get addressed as we progress from answering or looking at each question.
I am not interested in ideological rants from any view, but based on economics and government policies.
I have studied most major forms of economics, and will approach my view from a “free market” approach. However it is clear a true form of “free market” is not a reality so we will look at it with the limits created by undue regulations and of course the biggest failure of them all the Central
Bank, a private company known as the Federal Reserve.  We will have to look into why the Central Bank is the root cause of the Boom – Bust system, and are we in a Boom or Bust something now?
Hope you check back as I cover each topic and go into details of these most interesting questions. I enjoy the study and will have unique insights that you might or might not agree with, either way it will have you thinking.

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