Monday, July 18, 2011

Big Government, what to do?

What are citizens to do with an uncontrollable government, hell bent on imposing more and more bigger government upon the people.

Obama said, he would change the very foundation of America. Bigger government, more of your income to fund the wishes and desires of the elite in this socialist society. Just like is has been and will be, the people are the losers and the payers of this proven failure of social engineering.

The battle ground is clear. Freedom the prize. Government vs Main Street.

Government believes with your money and all it can get. That they and they alone can bring utopia to the people. By controlling and spending the next generations’ future, the government somehow believes they know best.

Finance the future to live for today or until the next election. The vision of a long term goal for America is not to be found by politicians. Politicians that somehow know how to get elected seem to know very little on how to govern. Special interest and directing money that will somehow find its way back to the pocket of the elected to keep the machine running and keep getting elected.

Main Street is the battle ground. People who desire to live a life and grow a better tomorrow by hard work and following the rules. If you work hard and smart you can gain in finance to live a better life. Your personal freedom is your goal. To live your life as you desire by hard work.

This very belief is contrary to Government's want for you. Governments sees a better tomorrow by having everyone equal and in a socialist society. (The end results, think of the old Russia)

Government is providing 45 million and growing on soup lines called food stamps, 9 million and growing on unemployment. The ability of funding their society is costing 14 plus trillion of DEBT and growing. It does not work.

Now the solutions.

We the people have a choice. But we are set up to fail in growing Main Street.
The Federal Reserve has limited credit to Main Street so the traditional form of business of getting a loan from a bank and start a business is nearly gone. By design.

The goal of government is to have the people need more government. This is where we have to say NO!!

The way to do it is simple. Everyone needs to start their very own business and be in business. This is the battle ground.
Government thinks private business cannot provide and government is the answer, thus the need for more debt to reach their goal.

I offer up two possible solutions.
The first is one that is quick and simple and will help the average citizen counter the effects of stupid leaders in government, yes stupid.

This first step is to be in business. Specify eFoods: Independent Business Owner. is the link to join.

Why eFoods? Simple, it is a way to have a business with a proven model of low entry cost and no overhead needed to be a successful owner.
The second reason is that with the failure of government, food is our greatest need. Inflation is going up and so is food. Look for food cost to go out the roof after this debt limit action.

People need our product and the income from this food is your answer to the need for funds.
Do your research.
So, the first step is for everyone to have a business in the private sector to fight the overreaching government.
We have the model and the product to match the greatest need each family needs and that is food at low cost that has a shelve life of 15-25 years.

With Food you have options, without it you do not. How long can you have options with your current food reserves?
Can you take care of your love ones with what you have now, and for how long?

Second action needed.

We the people need to start in our State a people owned Bank. A bank outside the Federal Reserve System. Our model is the Bank of North Dakota. It is the only bank in America that exists outside the control of the Federal Reserve, a private company mind you.
Each State can create its own bank and issue credit to the people and the interest gained from loans offset the cost of government. Study North Dakota. 3.3 % unemployment, 21 % gain in profits that offset the cost of government and lower taxes on the people.

This is harder to work on with elected favoring special interest. However watch for the real leaders in States that will do the will of the people and move to a State that will offer a free market State vs a Nanny State, following the Federal Government.

This is our course of action to fight big government that cannot and will not work and in the end destroy the very freedom of America.

Freedom the gain. Is it too late?   

1 comment:

  1. Private business is part of the answer. eFoods is a good option.
