Monday, January 30, 2012

Solutions Matter

Today we as Americans are faced with an ever extending external control over our freedom. Not all feel the effects of change on their lives, they still have their job, costs of goods are on sale and discounts on trips and travel are temping. It’s a buyers’ market. For these people the glass is half full and life is grand.
Empathy or the understanding of our overall condition facing many of our fellow citizens is at my point today. Doing what is right and as leaders finding ways to create opportunity so more can reach the above realization. Unfortunately so many good hard working families have been affected by the changing shift of boom to bust cause and effect of Government involvement into the market place.

The need

For many the increase in cost of energy and food is hitting our family structure hard and getting worse. The consequence of these rising cost is generating strife in our family structure, the end results of which can and are destroying marriages and kids reacting in negative attention.
We find drug use in both the youth and adults increasing to deal with the inability to understand and know what to do. It seems that change is being thrust upon the parents and couples yet the lack of knowledge and no understanding of what is happening, or how to adjust to the change in what seems to be midstream of life. The why it’s happening with the overhead of upkeep is for some too much to handle and stress overcomes many.

The solution

Our society has developed into a follow society where very few leaders stand up and lead.
For many leaders have found what works for them, to keep their ship afloat. These leaders have adjusted and trimmed the waste to weather the change.
It seems that it’s all men for themselves as the “ship of America” drifts towards the rocky shore and freedom the victim. So it seems.
It is now the call to those who are leaders to do what a leader does. Cast a vision so big that not one person can achieve it on their own, to cause people to do what is not normal in the regular day of living and do the abnormal of rising up and bettering themselves and others to a higher goal, a vision, a dream to fight for what is worth living for. Our families, our right to serve our Creator, and our Freedom of Country.
I am searching for such leaders.
Yet without a path for measureable change, a plan that works. Such a vision is just that a vision. When we couple a proven workable system where we can mentor those that desire to work and do, we can mentor and show them knowledge and develop understanding to work with purpose, repeating over and over again a plan that can be shared and passed on. Each reaching the needed relief to restore the foundation of your family to bring back the respect of success in the eyes of our love ones. To stand for a purpose in a time of no purpose.
My call is for leaders first. My search is for people with compassion and understanding to work with me and as a team to work my plan.

The Plan

As with any door that you enter, a door is just that, a door. The door allows entrance into a place.
The door’s threshold is not a stage for a detailed presentation; it is just a door to enter.
This is why I would like to meet with you and share with you my vision.
If you are such a leader and ready to grow and be a part of the solution, not just a “I wish you well” and move on type person. Then I need you to help me help others.
There is no magic answer, however there is the old saying, “if you show me your faith, I will show you my blisters”   
I know you already know this, and yes you will be rewarded for your leadership as you lead others.
In our changing times, requires change in each of us. To think differently, do differently because in order for a reaction, requires action. Action in a different direction yields reaction in that direction.
I need you to be such a leader today, for yourself and others. For the kids hurting as the family suffers, for our future stability. Yes you can make this difference.
Can I count on you to listen to my plan that works?  Will you lead as a leader and give of yourself? This is a call to leaders only. In America we still have great leaders all around us, now is our time. Stand with me as we together CAN make a difference.

I can be reached at : act NOW.
On February 2, 2012 at BMW Of Little Rock, 7:00pm I will share our plan to create income, help others, and yourself. All I need is YOU.

RSVP is needed for seating. 

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